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    Audio in React – display current time

    December 23, 2022
    Last update: August 29, 2024
    2 min read
    Audio in React – display current time

    CHALLENGE: get current audio duration time and display

    SOLUTION: use the onTimeUpdate event

    Having an audio file played, we would like to have the ability to know the current play time. In React, this can be achieved by using the onTimeUpdate event. Knowing currentTime, we need to parse the value and format it using the str_pad_left function. This technique can also be used for streaming audio/video.

    The Ontimeupdate event is triggered when the playing position of the file changes. It’s executed every 200-250ms. The event is invoked by playing or moving playback position.

    OnTimeUpdate Demo

    In our Demo, we’re going to have 2 files embedded and displaying current play time, with live updating. The CurrentStreamTime component uses prop to set current time (updating the parent’s state from the child). We support both audio and video files. We use and concatenate minutes and seconds to properly format time.

    Demo with an animated film preview

    The main application file:

    // src/App.jsx
    import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
    import './App.css';
    import {CurrentStreamTime} from "./CurrentStreamTime";
    function App() {
      const[currentTime1, setCurrentTime1] = useState('00:00');
      const[currentTime2, setCurrentTime2] = useState('00:00');
      return (
        <div className="App">
          <div className={'currentTime'}>
            <CurrentStreamTime src={''} type={'video'} setCurrentTime={setCurrentTime1} />
            <p>⏱ {currentTime1}</p>
          <div className={'currentTime'}>
            <CurrentStreamTime src={''} type={'audio'} setCurrentTime={setCurrentTime2} />
            <p>⏱ {currentTime2}</p>
    export default App;

    The file with the main component and the onTimeUpdate event handler:

    // src/CurrentStreamTime.jsx
    import React from 'react';
    export const CurrentStreamTime = (props) => {
        const {src, type='audio', setCurrentTime} = props;
        const timeUpdate = (event) => {
            const minutes = Math.floor( / 60);
            const seconds = Math.floor( - minutes * 60);
            const currentTime = str_pad_left(minutes,'0',2) + ':' + str_pad_left(seconds,'0',2);
        const str_pad_left = (string,pad,length) => {
            return (new Array(length+1).join(pad)+string).slice(-length);
        let htmlTag = '';
        if(type === 'audio') {
            htmlTag = <audio src={src} autoPlay muted controls onTimeUpdate={timeUpdate} />;
        if(type === 'video') {
            htmlTag = <video src={src} autoPlay muted controls loop onTimeUpdate={(event) => {timeUpdate(event)} } />;
        return (

    Additional CSS styles:

    body {
    .App {
      text-align: center;
      margin:15px auto;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
    .currentTime {
      border:10px solid transparent;
    .currentTime p {
      padding:7px 14px;
    Animated preview of the player

    Source code

    Here is the published source code:
    To run it:
    1) Clone the repo
    2) npm install
    3) npm start

    See also  Events Calendar – upcoming events widget

    That’s all for today. Follow us for more useful tips and guidelines.

    Do you need someone to implement this React time solution for you? Check out our custom web application development page or our specialists for hire in the outsourcing section.

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